How to Build a Docker Container from Scratch

Are you excited about containerization and want to learn how to build a Docker container from scratch? Well, you've come to the right place! Docker is a powerful tool that simplifies the deployment of applications and services by encapsulating them in containers.

In this article, we will walk you through the basics of building a Docker container from scratch. We will cover Dockerfile, image, and container concepts, and explore various ways to optimize the Docker container build process.

Dockerfile: The Building Block of Docker Containers

Dockerfile is a script that defines the steps to build a Docker image. It is a text file that contains a series of instructions for Docker to follow to create an image. The Dockerfile is the starting point for building your Docker container.

Here is a basic Dockerfile that will build an image with the latest version of Ubuntu:

FROM ubuntu:latest

This Dockerfile starts with the instruction "FROM," which tells Docker to use the latest version of Ubuntu as the base image. The next instruction can be used to run all other commands as a specific user.

USER root

Following this, you can include a few more commands to suit your needs. For example, if you want to install python, you can use the 'RUN' command:

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3-pip

The 'RUN' command is used to execute a command within the image. In this case, we are using the 'apt-get' command to update the system and install the 'python3-pip' package.

Once you are done with running commands, you can set up an entry point for your container's runtime.

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]

This command specifies the command that Docker will run whenever this container is started. In this case, we have specified '/bin/bash'.

The Docker Image

A Docker image is a block of code that encapsulates an application or service, along with all its dependencies. It is essentially a "snapshot" of the container at the point in time when it was created. At runtime, the Docker image is used to start a new Docker container.

To build a Docker image, navigate to the directory that contains your Dockerfile and run the following command:

docker build -t my-image:latest .

This command tells Docker to build a new image, name it 'my-image' using the '-t' flag, and tag it as 'latest.' The '.' at the end tells Docker to use the current directory as the build context.

Once the build process is complete, you can verify that the image has been created by running the following command:

docker images

This command lists all the Docker images that are currently available on your system.

Working with Docker Containers

Now that you have created a Docker image, you can use it to start a Docker container. A Docker container is an instance of the Docker image.

To start a new Docker container from the image you just created, use the following command:

docker run my-image:latest

This command tells Docker to create a new container from the 'my-image' image and run it. You should now see the command prompt for the 'bash' shell that we set as the entry point for our container.

Docker Container Best Practices

Now that you know how to build a Docker container from scratch, it's time to learn some best practices to follow when building Docker containers.

Keep Containers Small

The smaller the container, the faster it can be downloaded and deployed. Additionally, smaller containers are easier to manage and maintain.

One way to keep containers small is to minimize the number of layers in your Dockerfile. Each layer adds size to your container, so it's important to only use the commands that you need.

Only Include What You Need

You should only include the files and dependencies that your application needs. This will help keep your container small and make it faster to build and deploy.

Use Multi-Stage Builds

Multi-stage builds allow you to create smaller images by splitting the Docker build process into multiple stages. In each stage, you can create a new image and copy over only the files that you need.


In this article, we have gone through the basics of building a Docker container from scratch. We have covered Dockerfile, image, and container concepts, and explored various ways to optimize the Docker container build process.

Docker containers are powerful tools for deploying applications and services. By following best practices when building Docker containers, you can ensure that your applications are running in a secure and efficient environment.

So, are you excited to start building your own Docker containers? Give it a try and see how it can simplify your deployment process!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed